Frequently Asked Questions
Viobo MySQL to MSSQL Data Migrator is one database migrating tool which allows you to migrate from MySQL to MSSQL. A beginner of database can operate databases like operate files in Resource Explorer in Microsoft Windows System. A database expert can define the SQL Script, Stored Procedure and Function himself to complete the advanced migrating operations. Users can select their own appropriate standard character set to operate data. The tool supports the especial table-names and field-names with standard character set.
What are Viobo Data Migrators?
Viobo Data Migrators series are the tools, that can migrate the data or the data files between the kinds of databases like MSSQL, MYSQL, ORACLE, SYBASE, DB2;
It is very diffcult to backup an migrate the data between different kinds of database because of the format otherness and the type otherness of the different kinds of database.
The Migrators series can help you to backup and migrate your data limpidly even if you are a beginner.
Why do I need Viobo Data Migrators?
If you need to backup remote databases; if you need to transference the system data to the other database.
If you have not enough experience to maintain your data in database.
If you need the data, but you are a beginner.
If you are a researcher who works in the field of data processing efficiency and database optimization. -
1.Migrate max. 10 tables;
2.Migrate max. 1000 records per table.